Starkiller – one of the most memorable characters "Star Wars", Thanks to the debut in the video. He alone destroys the star destroyer with the help of strength, easily straightens out with countless Jedi and grows to the level of force with which few can compete in films and series.

Obviously, at that time it was not a canon, but it was a hit, and Starkiller’s popularity even led to the expansion of his character in the novels. Now the games are trying to fit into a wider universe, so the chances of seeing Starkiller again, but the fans hope that he will still appear as a villain in the third game Jedi.

"Who do you want to see the main villain in the next game [jedi]?". asked Mainlypardoo on the Official Sabreddy. "It is my choice", – He answered, putting the image of Starkiller in the costume of the Inquisitor.

The Force Unleashed was released in 2008, before Disney bought Lucasfilm, so the game preceded the idea of ​​inquisitors. These are evil users of the empire who hunt the Jedi who survived the order 66. Formally, they are not the Sith, while Starkiller at that time was a secret student, like Ashazh Ventress and Count Duku.

However, not everyone agrees with this idea. One user replied: "Unfortunately, Starkiller will destroy Cal or it will need to be reduced to naught, and he will be "Starkiller" Only by name.

Others argue that Starkiller cannot fit into the current canon because of his strength, and the point. Is it a game or not. He is an extremely powerful user of power. His whole goal was to allow fans "Star Wars" To realize a fantasy of power that surpasses everything that we saw until this moment.

Another option sounded in the comments: Darth Vader returns as a villain, this time in a duel. Obviously, Cal will not be able to mortally injure him, but this will show how far he has advanced from the time of the first game, where he had to run. Whatever choice Respawn makes, it will take a few more years before the trilogy ends.