Sarah Brye, the narrative director of Assassin’s Creed Mirage, in an interview with GameSaraadar said that she had to fight for the inclusion of Alamut fortress in the game, which is another iconic place from the history of the series. A significant part of the history of the franchise is connected with Alamut, and it will be first available to lovers of the game.

The narrative director of the project told how she actively advocated to add Alamut to the game for long -standing fans of the franchise. According to Brya, they had "A good foundation for creating this story", Since AC Valhalla Director Darby McDevitt "Already laid some hints" In the plot of role -playing game 2020.

I fought for Alamut, although the producer was not enthusiastic about it. It was an opportunity to pay tribute to the franchise. Alamut occupies an important place in the history of Assassin’s Creed, and I think that the community would be very upset if we missed this opportunity".

In addition, according to Braye, she realized that the fortress is important for history, since Alamut is relatively close to Baghdad. To reassure some players, the pain considered it necessary to explain that AC Mirage was created "as an independent story that everyone can play – even if he did not play Valhalla". The developers also added new interesting details for players already familiar with Alamut.

People familiar with Assassin’s Creed know what is in Alamut and what it is, but we added some details, created some new elements – new volumes of information about Alamut – and also rethought some information that people have already received about Alamut".

The Alamut fortress was the historical homeland of the Assassins in Persia before it was destroyed by the Mongol-Tatars. The legendary place has already been mentioned earlier in Assassin’s Creed: Rogue, Assassin’s Creed: Revelations and the novel by The Secret Crusade, but in AC Mirage it will appear for the first time, during the construction period.

In addition, art director Jean-Luke Sala said that the developers had to completely redraw the Assassins branch in order to adapt it to the last storyline associated with Baghdad. Having mentioned the rich heritage of the franchise, Sala explained that "The goal was to make mirage a single whole with the whole franchise".

Recall that Assassin’s Creed Mirage will be released on October 5 on PS5, PS4, Xbox Series X | S, Xbox One and PC.